Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Annual Al-Alwani Lecture Success

On February 13,  Dr. Waleed El-Ansary of Xavier University lead off the third annual Al-Alwani lecture for the Washington Consortium. Waleed challenged the full house to consider how self-serving economic theory had become, without further grounding in philosophy and spiritual principles.   He drew upon the Small is Beautiful economist, EF Schumacher to critique the utilitarian and anti-green nature of economists, and reviewed Muslim principles on economic life--which serve broader human interests, the planet, and God.   It was a stunning presentation--soon available on our website!

Dr. Rich Jones from the Consortium followed with a stirring and person-centered account about economic life, work and human fulfillment.   It was a wonderful "micro" complement to the "macro" presentation of Dr. El-Ansary.

We were delighted to partner with the El-Hibri Charitable Foundation who hosted this event at their beautiful center in D.C. for this year.  The crowd of 70 or more came from area religious leaders, faculty, students, and public policy personnel from a wide range of Christian and Muslim communities.   Many thanks to the Heritage Trust for making this annual lectureship possible!


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