I have come to enjoy the International Students Reception sponsored by the
Consortium Student Board. In my early years as executive director, I did not know what to expect--and I learned a lot about others' views of American culture.
The event on Friday evening, November 3 at WTU was very enriching--not only did
I have excellent food [courtesy of Student Board representative Mark Winterbottom.]but I enjoyed excellent conversation--one student from CUA told me of his work in the University radio station [I did not know there was such a station] to present the gospel message in an understandable way.
The discussion, led by Professor Thomas Schartl of CUA, himself newly arrived from Europe, was very interesting. It was the first time in memory that the students shared some of their theological perspectives--which varied considerably and were much influenced by country of origin.
I was informed by these quite diverse perspectives.
I always have a lot to learn.
Time for more coffee!!