Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ethics Group Meeting-- Children of Our Own Friends: Last night at Wesley Dr. Sondra Wheeler gave a fascinating presentation to the Ethics colleagues on the outline of her new book. She has been directly at work for over a year--and certainly thinking for many years--on questions surrounding parenthood today, moral, legal, sociological, and other issues. Her look at creation and theological anthropology is especially interesting. I am looking forward to the publication of her book. I think it is timely--and quite thoughtful. Peace, John

Friday, March 25, 2011

Search for Executive Director


I am getting a lot of questions about the search for my successor.

I can report that the Search Committee consists of 6 trustees--3 public trustees and 3 institutional trustees. The Search is co-chaired by two former Board Chairs--Ambassador Anthony Quainton and James R. Lowe, Esq.

The Search Committee is meeting with candidates today.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Doctor of Ministry in Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue


Yesterday I had an enjoyable lunch with Dr. Lew Parks, professor at Wesley and Director of the Doctor of Ministry programs.

Lew has been my 'ally' for many years in providing a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue. Over a decade ago we began our collaboration in training the next generation of ecumenical leaders.

It has been a fruitful and happy 13 years--we both came 'on-board' in our respective positions at the same time. We recognized the need to encourage the next generation of leaders.

The Consortium ecumenists and Wesley Seminary have been collaborating for over a decade. The first cohort has graduated and is working in the field.

The second cohort is working its way through the courses right now.

We are thinking that in a couple years a new cohort might begin.

Lew is a very knowledgeable person--and a great guy to talk to.
He is a real ecumenical leader.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Librarians Professional Day


One group that is very diligent about taking advantage of a little funding from the Consortium to have a professional program(s) is the Librarians.

Every spring they have a professional morning or even a whole day for learning about resources for their institutions.

I was happy to stop in for lunch with them after their morning where they were learning all about the Semitics Collection at CUA. This was a short walk for me.

I always enjoy seeing the colleagues--but as I have told them, their professional conversations are sometimes way beyond my knowledge.

This may have been my last formal meeting with them.
They are a mainstay of Consortium Collaboration and take their responsibilities very seriously.

I am very appreciative of their collaborative efforts.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ecumenism Committee


Every year the Ecumenism Committee, formed of Trustees and Faculty Representatives, meets in February or March, under the leadership of Fr. John Ford of CUA.

Its tasks are to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The Committee recommends recipients for the Ecumenism Award and events for the Annual Tachmindji Event. This work takes an hour or two.

Afterwards the Committee joins faculty who teach ecumenism or interreligious dialogue for dinner and conversation. This is an annual event with no speeches. This year 14 of us gathered at America in Union Station. I offered all a thank you for their dedication and service.

They have been a great group to work with--dedicated to humble service.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Meetings with Students


Over my 13 years, I have had many meetings with students.
We discuss theology, course offerings, faculty members in other schools, pastoral assignments and so forth.

The current chair and vice-chair of our Board--Clyde Taylor and Sheila Garcia--think that the students are most important. And so they are. Student Board representatives now speak at each meeting of the Board of Trustees.

I mention this because this morning I am having coffee with a student who took my course on spiritual ecumenism a few years back and who stays in touch. I always learn from my students--it is an advantage of teaching.

And drinking coffee is good too.


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Faculty Groups


Today I sent the last of my emails to members of Consortium Faculty Groups-- thanking them for their support and sharing during my 13 year tenure.

When I became Director in 1998, part of my mandate was to support groups of faculty who wish to come together for professional growth and mutual sharing. At that time there were 4-5 active groups. During my tenure there have been as many as 16 groups meeting for this purpose. At present 13 groups meet.

One of the most enjoyable things I have done is to attend meetings of these groups.
I always learn many things. I am happy to get to know such dedicated people.
And of course there is the occasional disagreement where one or more sides to a question are reviewed.

I have blogged frequently about the meetings of these groups.
I will miss them.

My renewed interest in the dialogue of Science and Religion comes directly from attending the monthly meetings of this faculty group. I hope to continue attending.


Thursday, March 03, 2011

Work of the Consortium Office


Sometimes I am asked what the four of us--Marguerite Connolly, Christina Hammett, Dr. Richard Jones and I-- do in the Consortium Office.

I often say we build bridges among the 12 schools and 5 associated institutions.
Ours is a ministry of Service. Dr. Jones serves as Al-Alwani Chair and supports the Certificate Program. Christy is Consortium Registrar, Coordinates with the Student Board, and serves the Alwani Chair [The Chair is funded by the Heritage Trust.] Both Dr. Jones and Christy are part-time.

Marguerite Connolly is Director of Communications, Consortium bookkeeper, Event Planner and general go-to person. As Director I am the 'outside person'. I visit campuses, attend events, organize faculty groups, interface with ecumenical friends--and everything else listed in the position description on the Consortium website. Marguerite and I are full-time.

All of us answer questions from students, faculty, administrators and general inquirers.

This is really a ministry of service. It is not glamorous. It takes some of the humility I mentioned in my previous posting.
