Friday, January 27, 2012

Certificate in Ecumenism and Annual Ecumenism Award

Next Thursday, Feb. 2 the Consortium will honor two students who have received the Certificate in Ecumenism--after 12 or more hours of course work in Ecumenical studies, theology, and history.  These students, Amy Feira of Gettysburg Seminary and  Desiree Kameka of Wesley have developed skills in interpretation, dialogue, and active organization that will enable them to engage multiple Christian churches around our unity in Christ and various interfaith communities around deeper dialogue and understanding.  This takes place at the Prayer Service for Christian Unity, 5:30 p.m., Feb 2. at the Washington Theological Union (5 minute walk from Takoma Park Metro).  We encourage all Consortium students to attend!

In addition, the Consortium will honor Dr. Margaret O'Gara, of the University of St. Michael's College in Toronto, with its annual Ecumenism Award after the service.   She is a noted theologian and ecumenist, and will offer an address on the "Dialogue of Transformation" which highlights ecumenical encounters that have changed people and communities.  She has been involved in numerous Ecumenical dialogues and bi-lateral conversations between the Catholic Church and various Christian communities.   We encourage Consortium faculty and friends to attend this auspicious evening!       

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tribute to the Paulists and the WTU

I had the privilege of preaching at the Prayer Service to celebrate the Paulist charism during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, at the Washington Theological Union.    I loved sitting and praying next to Fr. Hurley--once co-chair of the Student Board a few years back, and worshipping with the Paulists, WTU staff, and lay supporters.   I want to share the tail end of my homily--a reflection on I Cor 12.

"While Paul focuses on spiritual gifts given to individuals in service and leadership, could it be that such gifts are imparted to communities as well? Perhaps the Corinthians were torn asunder, not because they elevated ecstatic tongues above all other gifts, but because they failed to identify this gift as their charism to offer the wider church? We Protestants often miss this communal dimension of the Spirit’s gift-giving, and so the importance to all of us in the WTU’s current celebration of the “charisms” of each religious community it is associated with. The Paulists, might I venture to say, exemplify the Pauline gifts of Wisdom, Prophecy, and Healing in their distinct charisms of Evangelization, Ecumenism, and Reconciliation.

Both the Paulists and WTU were founding members of the Washington Theological Consortium. Their gathering of the charisms and distinct apostolates of the various religious study houses has made unique contributions to theological education in the region: strong missional elements, various traditions of spiritual formation, deep ecumenical commitments, and a strongly interdisciplinary approach to intellectual and pastoral formation that the larger, guild-driven institutions often miss. Both communities have contributed significant leadership to deepening ecumenical learning and relations in the region.

So friends, when you are called to step up and lead, for the sake of the larger body, step up with the guiding passion and gift of your life, given to you by God. The men and women of the WTU have done this for decades, and will continue to do so in their own changing ministries; so too have and will the Paulists. Thanks be to God for their gifts and forms of leadership offered for us all—in the Lord’s name."

Monday, January 09, 2012

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

How often, when you pray, do you pray for things “hoped for” but not yet fully manifest? Okay, many of us pray for “world peace” or “ending hunger” but I mean concrete, visible things that have yet to be realized in full?

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an occasion to pray for just that: the full manifestation of church unity as directed by Christ in John 17:23: “that they may be one.” Founded by Graymoor Franciscan in 1908 and adopted by multiple church traditions and denominations by mid-century, this week focuses on praying for the unity that God wills for us in his Son. For those interested in the history: Catherine Clifford’s A Century of Prayer for Christian Unity is a fine read.

There are many events in the D.C. area to commemorate this week:

January 17, 7 pm: the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land w/ Fr. John Crossin of the USCCB
Franciscan Monastery Week of Prayer Christian Unity

January 18, 6:30 pm:. Washington Theological Union with the Paulist Fathers and Dr. Larry Golemon of the WTC, Washington Theological Union Events

January 19, 5:15 pm: Theological College at Catholic University with Dr. David McAllister-Wilson of Wesley Seminary: CUA Week of Prayer Christian Unity

All Week: the Cathedral of St. Mathew and the Archdiocese of Washington Archdiocese Washington Week of Prayer Christian Unity .

January 24, 7:30 pm:  Virginia LARCUM at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Springfield, VA, with Bishops from Episcopal, Lutheran, and Catholic Dioceses.
Virginia LARCUM Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

February 2, 5:30 pm: The Student Board of the Washington Theological Consortium prayer service at WTU, and the Ecumenical Award and Figel address by Dr. Margaret O’Gara, University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto.
Consortium Week of Prayer Christian Unity and Figel Address

Above all, take time out in your own prayer to help the churches fully manifest the unity we have in Christ, especially for this world torn asunder.