Saturday, October 30, 2010

40th Anniversary Luther Colloquy


I made my annual visit to LTSG for the Colloquy on Wednesday.
This is the 40th Anniversary of the effort--and also of LTSG officially becoming part of the Consortium.

The papers this year were all quite scholarly in nature--digging into several different aspects of Luther's thought--e.g. prayer. They will be available in Seminary Ridge Review, the journal published by the Seminary.

Drs. Gritsch and Christiansen were honored for their years of service to the Institute and the Colloquy

Dr. Gritsch reminded me at lunch of his many years of service on the American Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue which did much groundwork for the Joint Declaration on Justification.

Dr. Kirsi Stjerna, current Director of the Institute for Luther Studies, was most gracious and welcoming as always.

The sun came out during the afternoon--enabling us to have a magnificent view of the countryside around Gettysburg.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dr. Kinnamon on Christian Unity


One of the things you should put on your list to do---is to hear Dr. Michael Kinnamon speak. He is dynamic, thorough and provocative. In his address for the Annual Consortium Tachmindji Event, he covered the 100 years of the ecumenical movement succinctly and well.

I was struck by his affirmation that our concept of mission has changed radically since the Edinburgh meeting of 1910.

Mission now embraces thoroughgoing efforts toward Reconciliation of people.
It is not enough just to end strife--the Christian must go the next step.

I think that we Christians are indeed callled to be people of peace and reconciliation.
Would that we could be so better

We will post a link on our website to this excellent presentation.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Light and Darkness


I recently was reading Dr. William Rusch's article in Ecumenical Trends.
He reviews some of the history of the ecumenical movement--and concludes that there seem to be some storm clouds up ahead. [He uses a weather metaphor throughout.]

Stormy weather might indeed be up ahead if we focus on certain ecumenical dialogues--and not on others. Dr. Rusch comes from many years of ecumenical service to the Lutheran church and notes that this is his perspective.

This fine article stimulated my own thinking.

I believe that there is both light and darkness if one surveys the ecumenical universe. We must keep the universe of dialogue in mind

Moral issues have come to the fore in some arenas casting some dark shadows. Convergence in doctrine in other arenas--such as the North American Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue--has led to some thinking about further steps into a positive ecumenical future.

We are all aware, of course, that God can speak out of the storm clouds--and in sunlight.
We are to listen for the divine word however it comes to us!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Strategic Plan


This coming Monday the Strategic Planning Group is beginning its work.
The agenda is out; I am finishing my report for them. We already have the detailed report of our Development Associate Linwood Blizzard.

We will be developing a detailed schedule to help us finish our plan of the next 5 years in a timely fashion. We are hoping that all will participate.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Executive Committee--Always Good Questions


The Board Executive Committee had the first of its two schedule meetings today.
I found the discussion of the Association of Theological Schools Biennial meeting--I could not attend--fascinating. The ATS meeting gives an overview of the state of theological education in North America. There are some changes being considered in Higher Education in general and in theological education in particular [go to the Association Website for more particulars.] especially around criteria for a good education.

The Committee always has a number of good insights I had not thought of--like the need for a more detailed structure for our proposed Center for Muslim-Christian Studies which would include the Alwani Chair and the Certificate Program. I had not give the details enough consideration--but our discussion gave some helpful direction.

So the work of the WTC goes on one step at a time.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Busy Time


Every once in awhile I neglect this blog because I am overcome with events.

Last week I tended to the duties of my religious community, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.

It is good to be elected a delegate to meetings in our Province.
Of course then I have to prepare.

Last week there were two such meetings--which consumed a good part of my time and took me away from this Blog. Both discussed important issues for the future of our Province--a possible new apostolate and a possible new way of voting for changes in our Province. Neither was completely resolved but there was progress.

Such meetings are an exercise in listening.
Occasionally I speak to the issues at hand.

I will be blogging more this week.


Saturday, October 02, 2010

Faculties' Convocation--A Time For Seeing Friends


One aspect of the Convocation last Monday was the opportunity to see friends.
I had not seen many of the faculty members present since last spring on even earlier--and I know that many of the 80+ colleagues present also had not seen each other for awhile.

The Convocation provides an opportunity to see old friends and meet new colleagues; to plan for future professional sharing; to analyze, discuss, and debate the the keynote presentation by Dr. Sharon Daloz Parks; and to share a meal together.

As we all know, ecumenism 'runs on' relationships'.
This was the premier yearly opportunity to see our 'ecumenical friends' and renew our
common commitment to the search for Christian Unity.
