Saturday, December 01, 2007


The installation of Dr. Ian Markham
as Dean of the Virginia Theological Seminary was
quite an event. I was happy to have a part
in the ceremony

"Ian, receive these Articles of Incorportation and
By-Laws of the Washington Theological Consortium,
and be among us to share
in the mission of ecumenical cooperation in theological education.

It was very moving for me to be part of this important moment.

Dr. Markham pledges both continuity with the rich history of VTS
and new initiatives for the future.



I am a bit sad to report that Kathy Pluth has left
the Consortium Office for a position at St. Louis Catholic Parish
in Alexandria, VA. Kathy originated this Blog. She also just
recently led the redesign of the Consortium website. She is
quite a creative person.

I am only a bit sad however. At St. Louis she will be
able to exercise her musical talents [she writes hymns among
other things]. This was not part of her work with us. She also
has a 'pastoral heart'. So part of me rejoices that she is in a place
where these vital talents will come to the fore.
