Monday, February 28, 2011

Importance of Humility


I return from time to time to the importance of humility for ecumenism.
It takes a certain humility to see that we have much to learn from the wisdom and love of our fellow Christians--especially those who differ with us in doctrine or organization, or, what it sometimes comes down to--personality.

Certainly the churches are being humbled these days--declining membership, public scandals and the like. They give us pause. Francis de Sales talks about accepting our humiliations, not an easy thing, as being an advanced form of the virtue of humility.

Christ humbled Himself.
So we, in seeking to be like him, embrace the virtue and the cross.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Spirit for Mid-Terms


Having just encountered a lay student, burdened with books, heading up the steps at Dominican for a mid-term, I think of this advice from St. Francis de Sales [d. 1622]

"Undertake all your affairs with a calm and peaceable mind, and endeavor to dispatch them in order, one after another." [Introduction to the Devout Life, Part III, Chapter 10]


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Annual Al-Alwani Lecture

Dialogue in Depth


Some days are outstanding--and Tuesday was one of them.

The Second Annual Al-Alwani Lectures took place at 3:00 Tuesday at American University.

“Making Peace: Islam and the West”
Dr. Abdul Aziz Said
Mohammed Said Farsi Chair of Islamic Peace,
School of International Service - American University


“The Cost of Mediation: Who Pays?”
Dr. Richard J. Jones
Al-Alwani Chair of Muslim – Christian Studies
Washington Theological Consortium

These were outstanding--they will appear on the Consortium website shortly.

A good crowd of fifty or more Christians and Muslims were present.

Afterwards there was a Reception and continued conversation.

Subsequently--at the Bess Jones Dining Room at Wesley--Professor Said, Dr. Jones and I met with students who are pursuing the Consortium Certificate in Muslim-Christian Dialogue and a few other friends of this program.

The discussion was fabulous. A visiting colleague from England, a guest at the dinner, praised the fact that in the Consortium Certificate Program we are conducting dialogue in depth rather than skirting important questions.



Monday, February 21, 2011

Annual Bible Group Conference


On Friday, the Consortium Bible Group had its annual meeting organized by Dr. John Yieh of VTS. As usual it was well-planned and attended. I found the papers and discussion stimulating.

Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams presented a paper on "19th Century African-American Women and the Bible" with a short response from Dr. Lucy Hogan of Wesley. These women preached; Dr. Hogan, professor of homiletics, has extensive background in this era of preaching. Dr. Fentress-Williams used her expertise to help us to see some of the deeper meanings and implications of the preaching.

With an approach I would characterize as non-linear, Dr. Newheart of HUSD spoke on "Did Jesus Start the Egyptian Revolution?" He used You Tube clips and other media to lead us into his topic as he invoked Howard Thurman and the Scripture. An excellent response by Dr. Depaah of Leland pointed to some of the central questions behind the presentation.

Both presentations to me seemed to draw us forward to notice aspects that might easily have been missed--thus deepening our perception but leaving me at least with the feeling that I don't really see that much--this was the same feeling I had 16 months ago after hearing Professor Schneider speak about icons [annual Tachmindji Event] and realizing that he saw so much more than I did.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Meetings


Some of you know that I am a member of the religious congregation of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. There are 170 priests and brothers in our Province.

I am often amused that people think I am a Dominican--since the Consortium Office is located at Dominican House. The Office has been here since 1972!

I mention this because today I will be at some Province Meetings. I am a member of the Province Formation Commission which meets after lunch. Then at 4:00 we will have our regional meeting. This will be followed in the evening by the annual individual meetings with the Provincial, Fr. Jim Greenfield, OSFS. These will focus on planning for the future.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Deans Council Meets at VTS
A Dynamic Reality


The Consortium Deans meet 4 times a year--the beginning of the meeting is lunch and sharing whatever is on people's minds. Then the formal part of the meeting begins at desert with points of business.

The Deans supervise the course exchange and many other efforts in the Consortium.
I give them detailed reports on faculty group meetings, the course exchange, certificate program developments, and the like.

The meeting was very productive as usual.

An interesting aspect is planning for the future..
Once my successor takes over, the Consortium will review--over the next year or two--the total operation and make needed adjustments.

There was a concern among the deans that faculty members have their input.

I was happy to report to them that in Linwood Blizzards' preliminary work on Consortium Planning last summer he had interviewed a number of faculty to begin to get a sense of questions and concerns.

The Consortium is a group of institutions working together.
It must be and is a dynamic reality.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Deans of Students/Community Life


The quiet work of the Consortium continues.
Today the Deans of Students/Community Life will meet to share their wisdom.
This is one of the low-key, ongoing projects of the Consortium--sharing of insights gained with one another for the Common Good.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Intersection of Music and Faith


I heard a fine presentation yesterday by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, Archbishop of Volokolamsk of the Russian Orthodox Church, at CUA.

The Archbishop, author of numerous monographs in theology, is also the author of many musical compositions. At the conclusion of his address, excerpts from performances of his works were shown by DVD. Bravo!

In his lecture, part of a series on the inauguration of President Garvey at CUA, Metropolitan Hilarion pointed out that genuine art serves God. He believes that religious music can also draw people to God.

There is a revival of religious music going on--at least in some quarters. Bravo!


Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Coffee and Eucharistic Ecclesiology


One of the joys of service as Director of the Consortium is learning new things.

Yesterday afternoon I had coffee with Anastacia Wooden--a doctoral student at CUA-and heard about her work on the famous Russian Orthodox theologian Nicolas Afanasiev.

I congratulated her on her article in the recent issue of the Journal of Ecumenical Studies on the eucharistic ecclesiology of Afanasiev and its ecumenical significance.

She explained some of her developing thought to me--fascinating.


Friday, February 04, 2011

Consortium Student Board Prayer Service for Christian Unity


Wednesday was busy.

The Board met at 3:30 and had some helpful discussions.
There was discussion of the Search Process--and unanimous approval of a permanent agreement for funding of the Alwani Chair by the Heritage Trust.

The Prayer Service followed.
It was well attended--3 bishops, friends of Bishop Hoyt, sat in the front row.
Many well wishers as well as Consortium Board members, Student Board members, Howard faculty and students and others were in attendance.

I must confess that after a Board meeting I am usually very tired.
I was not tired a bit during the Service or during Bishop Hoyt's Figel Address.
The Bishop is an interesting, humorous, serious, ecumenically challenging and gracious speaker.

The Reception took place in the Divinity School's art gallery.
This was a special opening for the occasion--I am most appreciative.
The pieces in the Gallery are exquisite--and speak.

Thanks to the Student Board and all at the Divinity School who made such an event possible.


Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Search for New Executive Director


The Search Committee has begun its work.
The Position description is on the Home Page of the

Its listed at the bottom of the page under Whats New.
Please tell friends who may be interested.
