Friday, July 25, 2008


The move is complete and the Consortium offices are now situated--at least for the coming year--still in the second floor corridor of Dominican House but now on the south side of the building. The corridor on the North side will be renovated as part of the major construction project now going on at Dominican House. The new wing is going up to house the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception come this fall.

Going through the files--to save some and destroy others--takes me back over the many people and projects that have occupied the last 10 years:

  • All the materials for various ATS accreditation visits to the member schools that I have participate in.
  • The sermons/homilies I have given in various chapels
  • The numerous deans, presidents, students, and friends who have served the Consortium committees and events.
  • The many reminders of the recent growth of the Consortium.
  • A few good colleagues--I think of Fr. Jack Hotchkin, Vice-Chair of the Consortium Board, Dr. Reginald Fuller of VTS, and Msgr Steve Happel Dean at Catholic University--who have died.

All in all I have many memories of the small and great efforts we have made for mutual understanding and for the best in theological education over these many years.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I have returned from vacation.
And Marguerite Connolly and I are now turning to packing.
In fact tomorrow we will move the Consortium offices to another section of the second floor at Dominican House. As part of their construction of their new wing for the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, the Dominicans are renovating part of the second floor--including the offices occupied by the Consortium.

Packing is, in my opinion, no fun.
But the end is near and we soon will be around the corner and somewhat back to normal.


Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Things have slowed down considerably this week.

I met for lunch today with Dean Ahmed Alwani of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences. Among other things, he has been lining up courses of the Certificate Program in Christian Muslim Dialogue. These are available at a variety of locations--including of course the Graduate School itself.
The School holds its courses at its location in Herndon---which can be reached by Metro and then by a bus that stops near their building.

Information on the Certificate is available on the Consortium website.
Some courses are already posted and some will be shortly.

Hope you are able to take a little break this summer.
