Tuesday, September 21, 2010



One of the things I found interesting about Rev. Monica Spencer's Sermon last Saturday [see previous blog entry] was that she addressed in a rapid-fire and successful fashion the varied expectations of the new members of the School of Theology at VUU. Some come with fear and others with excitement. Some are intimidated by study and some eager to engage,...

As we begin this academic year, we might examine our varied expectations.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Orientations Complete


On Saturday, I had a delightful trip to Richmond.
I attended part of the Retreat at Virginia Union University School of Theology.
Faculty, students and administrators were present.
It began with an hour of prayer and praise with an outstanding Sermon from Rev. Dr. Monica Spencer--who also handles student affairs. She is dynamic.

I introduced the Consortium in my initial talk--and then had time subsequently to speak with interested students who wanted more details, of whom there were quite a few.

My time now of attending Orientations, Retreats, etc. is over--10 this year.
It has been a good--and occasionally exhausting--beginning.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall Ecumenical Conversations


It is good to see folks after the summer break.

I enjoy catching up--and increasing my knowledge of ecumenism by learning what is going on. Several faculty members have shared their insights with me--often over coffee or lunch--even occasionally at a breakfast meeting. I now know about the week-long ecumenical summer program in Strasbourg--about a summer pilgrimage of reconciliation--about the quests for Jesus, personal and communal---about the ecumenical search for truth--and much more.

Ecumenism is about relationships.
And learning from one another.


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Monthly Prayer for Christian Unity--Humility--Taking the Last Place


As some of you know, we are now posting a monthly 'guide' for prayer for Christian Unity on our Consortium Website. The passage this month is Luke 14:7-11.

Jesus urges us to take the last place.
The Last Place is where ecumenism seems to be on the priority list--sometimes in our own lives, sometimes in the churches we serve.

The last place is a good place to talk to real people.
And the place from which we can acutely realize our need for the guidance of the Spirit.

God can call us higher--at the right time.

Your comments are welcome.


Staff Meetings!


This year we will be having our staff meetings on Mondays.
Hannah and Marguerite and I get together to review what has happened and to plan out the week and the month.

This is one way we try to keep the Consortium running effectively.


Thursday, September 02, 2010

Ministry of Encouragement--Call for Leaders


As I mention in this blog from time to time, the
Consortium Office provides a ministry of encouragment.

We encourage students, faculty, administrators, trustees and friends to work together.

We can learn a great deal in conversation with our colleagues from other institutions.

Students get insights from fellow students just as Treasurers can gain knowledge from other Treasurers. Colleagues can provide perspectives and information that we need.

The Consortium Office provides coordination. We help to bring people together.
But leadership comes from the members, the real experts, in the institutions.

So if you feel that you can provide a little leadership in your area,
please let me know.
