Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Orientation Season


Each fall, as Executive Director of the Consortium, I go through the Orientation Season--10 talks in all. Each is a little different.

Some kid me that I do these around meals.
This is not completely true--the Orientation at Dominican was done only around a cup of coffee
The other recent ones --John Leland [dinner], Wesley [Breakfast], WTU [lunch] and CUA [ample Reception] all were connected with a meal--which explains why my girth is increasing!

The Orientations seem characteristic of the institution-- from CUA Dean Irwin's emphasis on 'reading carefully, critically and widely' and Associate Dean Charles Jones' recommendation of language study to Wesley's morning community building exercises with emphasis on respectful theological dialogue in their diverse community. As you might expect, Dominican emphasizes its Thomistic Heritage and its new Thomistic Center-- while John Leland has an overnight retreat to build community--and lots of singing and praise of God before the serious study begins. WTU as a school centered on spirituality begins with a prayer service and ends with the Eucharist.

Each is distinct [see earlier entries on VTS and Howard]
and enriching.

The Orientations reflect the richness of the Consortium members--and the resources the institutions offer to one another.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

North American Academy of Ecumenists--Montreal in September 2010


As some of you know, I am the former president of NAAE.
The yearly meeting--always the last weekend of September--will take place in Montreal under the auspices of Deacon Anthony Mansour and the Canadian Center for Ecumenism.

We will discuss the past 100 years and the future of ecumenism.


A number of leading ecumenists will speak including Hegumen Philip representing the Moscow Patriarchate.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Our Blog


This blog--excuse me if I am repeating myself--is considered by one organization among the top 50 ecumenical blogs in the country. Imagine that. It is among the top 12 General Purpose blogs.

Of course the credit goes to the Consortium Friends and Members--this blog serves as a Chronicle and Ecumenical Commentary.

Hopefully we can continue to make a modest but substantive contribution to the international ecumenical movement.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ecumenical Resources


I might have mentioned before--but it bears repeating--that we have excellent ecumenical resources provided by Dr. Mitzi Budde on our website.
They can be accessed through the Home Page.

These include her annotations on important books and articles.


Friday, August 13, 2010

First Student Orientation


As you know, I speak at fall New Student Orientations throughout the Consortium.
I explain--through Crossin's 10 Points--the Consortium and Student participation in course sharing, libraries, public events and so forth. [the 10 points are on our website]

Yesterday I spoke at Virginia Theological Seminary to 40+ new students who were attentive and energetic. It looks like it will be a good year for them!

This was the first of many orientations--they vary a bit from campus to campus depending on time constraints and the like. I enjoy seeing faculty and staff whom I have missed during the summer months.

All in all we are off and running in what I hope will be a fine year--the 40th Anniversary of the Consortium.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alwani Chair in Muslim-Christian Dialogue


Yesterday Dean Ahmed Alwani and I have one of our periodic meetings to discuss the Al-Alwani Chair in Muslim-Christian Relations. I updated him on recent developments and the first year of operation

He apprised me of new directions at the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences.

We brainstormed new ideas for full funding--including scholarships--for the Chair and the Certificate Program.

It was a lengthy but worthwhile meeting.

The Consortium is a leader in seeking to offer church leaders--both Christian and Muslim--an in-depth understanding of one another so that we might live in peace and mutual respect.


Monday, August 09, 2010

Consortium Schools' Semesters


One thing about the Consortium that has evolved over time is the scheduling.
Each of the 11 schools and the 6 allied institutions is on a somewhat different schedule.

At times the scheduling presents a challenge for students who want to cross register from one school n to another.

It also means that the first Orientation of New Students is this Thursday Morning at Virginia Theological Seminary. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. The summer is over--except for the hot weather--and the work of theological education has begun again.
