The busiest time of year is now winding down.
I hope to be more faithful to these postings.
The Faculties' Convocation turned out to be a highlight--over
100 participated--the most in my 10 years as director. The Artful Worship was very well received. I found it very moving myself--thanks to Patrick Ellis and Deborah
Sokolove who presided--and all who participated.
The workshops were quite varied and well received.
I thought that I would list them here for your reference:
Figuration, Art and Theological Hermeneutics, Eric Crump [Gettysburg]
Drama as Proclamation, Deryl Davis [Wesley] substituting for
Lisa Hawkins [Leland} who was ill that day.
Christian Images from Catacombs to Citibank, Catherine Kapikian [Wesley]
Sculpture as Meditation, Jim & Celeste Lauritsen [Gettysburg]
The Visual Arts as a Resource in Biblical Studies, Peggy Parker [Virginia Theological
From Seeing to Contemplation: Christian Art in Theological Education,
Jem Sullivan and Fr. Basil Cole [Dominican]
The Moral Imagination, Sondra Wheeler [Wesley]
All is all it was an exciting and informative day.
Many thanks to all those in the Consortium Faculties' Arts Group
who contributed so much time and energy to make it a success.