The Body of Christ Exhibit is now taking
place at 7 Consortium institutions. You can
view the winning entries by going to our website
But I think it is great to actually see the works.
I have been able to attend two of the Openings.
Last Wednesday, in conjunction with the annual
Luther Colloquy, the exhibit opened at Gettysburg
Lutheran. It is in a new space [for LTSG]--the second
floor of the Library. The space if very accessible--there is a classroom
there and faculty offices. I was particularly struck by the modern
Tower of Babble [Babel].
Last night the exhibit opened at Virginia Theological Seminary with
a reception and a presentation by Peggy Parker [Adjunct Professor
of Art] and Kate Sonderegger [Professor of Systematic Theology]. Dr. Markham
offered a few words of welcome to all in attendance.
Even thought I was quite tired I enjoyed the presentation and discussion immensely.
Peggy closed with this quote:
"When Christians lost the power of art, they impoverished the church, they impoverished worship, and they lost one of the most power means of calling souls to God. The loss...has limited the ways in which the church speaks to its flock."
Dan Gioia, interviewed in CIVASEEN vol V2, 07/2004.
Word to ponder I think