Each year I participate in many student orientations and review
Crossin's 10 points. [These are available on the website under my picture.]
This past Wednesday I went to Richmond for the orientations at Union/
PSCE and at the Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. I always enjoy my trips to Richmond. Its good to leave the Beltway area from time to time. The folks in Richmond are quite hospitable--and I enjoy my chance to speak to the new students. Several expressed a strong desire to study at the schools in Washington through cross-registration. This might be accomplished more readily during the January Terms and the Summer Schools.
Perhaps some students here in the Beltway area would also like to study in Richmond. Let me encourage you. As I said I enjoy traveling there--and I enjoyed teaching in Richmond in January of 2007--and will do so again in January 2009.
My trips also put me in mind of the region.The Baltimore-Washington--Richmond corridor is fast becoming an economic region--this explains some of the traffic on 95. As public transportation improves we might also become a "theological region."
When we collaborate we are all stronger.Peace,