Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Consortium Activities Continue in Mid-Summer


It used to be that the summertime was a time to catch up but no more.

This week:

1. Linwood Blizzard, one of Howard University Divinity School's student representatives, stopped by to share some ideas with me. He had very good suggestion(s) in regard to the Student Orientations on the campuses in the fall. I am taking some steps--as is he--to improve these events.

2. The Consortium Chief Financial Officers Group met at WTU yesterday. I want to thank Wayne E. Wissman, CFO of WTU, for hosting the meeting and sharing some insights into better stewardship. The group met for quite a while--and concluded with lunch. There was a lot of networking going on--and planning for some future meetings, perhaps by Conference Call, which would focus on individual topics of interest.

3. The Board of Trustees Committee on The Friends of the Consortium met this morning. We discussed the Reception this past April at St. John's Lafayette Square--and planned for next year's meeting in the Atrium of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The Committee members discussed the purposes of the Friends--Sharing the vision and mission of the Consortium, sustaining ecumenical and inter religious relationships and enlarging the circle of those who participate, and supporting the ongoing efforts of the Consortium.

4. Dr. Lewis Parks and I continued our efforts this week on behalf of the Doctor of Ministry Degree in Ecumenism and Inter religious Dialogue. We will begin the program in January. This is a Wesley Degree co-sponsored by the Consortium.

Please tell those you know who may be interested in this program. The program is relatively inexpensive and the classes are 4 intensive weeks each year.


PS I will resuming these reflection in August after a break!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wesley Friends Featured


Today I was reading the United Methodist Connection at lunch.
On the front page was a story about the Wesley Ministry Network--and an interview with Dr. Craig Hill. The writer thinks Craig asks deep questions--I know from experience that he does, though he does not do so all day, every day.

On the third page was a picture of Consortium Trustee Mary Kraus, who retired from pastoring Dumbarton UMC this summer. The local Chapter of the Methodist Federation for Social Action gave her their annual award. It is called "Gods' Foolish One" after 1 Cor 1:27.

Usually I don't see two people I know featured in any publication.
It was great to see two leaders honored.


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Dr. Collins Nominated to Lead NIH


I was thrilled to see that Dr. Francis Collins, who keynoted the Consortium Faculties' Convocation this past fall at VTS, has been nominated to lead the National Institutes of Health.

As you know, many faculty at the time remarked on his superb presentation on the question of science and religion. He was impressive both professionally and personally.

I wish him all God's blessings in this important position.


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Peace of Christ


For some reason I have always signed off my emails by saying Peace.

I do not know exactly how I began this custom.
But I do know that my concern inner peace of heart on the spiritual journey of life and my desire to share this peace with my email correspondents is a part of its origin.

Yesterday, while waiting for my car to be serviced [!] I had time, finally, to read "A Mennonite and CAtholic Contribution to the World Council of Churches' Decade to Overcome Violence.

I had promised myself that I would read this statement--for I am also concerned with peace in our world. Finding the time was the problem--thus in the comparative quiet of the waiting room, I was finally reading.

I would recommend this short, succinct and very helpful statement to you.
It gets to the point quickly.
I found the statement in The Ecumenical Review, July 2008, pages 333-344.
I am sure you can find it elsewhere.

It seems to me that as Christians we are messengers of the Peace of Christ--every day.
We are seeking, in modest ways to be sure, to build a community of peace.

The Peace of Christ....

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Practical Theology Group Forming


I was happy to meet yesterday with Dr. Joyce Mercer [VTS] , Dr. Jessicah Duckworth [WTS] and Dr. David Gortner [VTS] to discuss the possibilities for forming an interdisciplinary group of colleagues interested in what is now being called Practical Theology. This discipline, sometimes referred to previously as pastoral theology, focuses on lived religious practices.

The field embraces several sub-disciplines including:

Christian Spirituality
Religious Education
Pastoral Care
Religion and Culture

The initial agenda for the group would be to learn about one another's work in progress, to create collective resources, and to explore collaborative teaching.

These are only a few of the thoughts expressed in our conversation.

If you are a Consortium faculty member interested in exploring or adding to the parameters of this 'group being formed' please let me--or one of the colleagues--know.
